That's my life ...

Guru Geri in Sweden

1980 with Georg and Michael in my car and the just received driving licence to Sweden to the acquaintances of Michael, Jussi Brodt, pastor in southern Sweden, Norrköping. There it was already a nice trip. The woods and the lakes and we had wonderful weather, only the mosquitoes bothered Georg a lot. After three days we arrived at the farm of Jussi. Very idyllic, like Peterson and Findus. We could sleep in his shed, did a lot with him: fishing, boating, etc.. We drove on to Uppsala, where we visited another friend of Dörries, he also had a motorboat at his house in the archipelago, which he lent us quite frankly. It was the first time we drove a motorboat. Fishing was not so successful, the fish just jumped over the line.
On the second tour with Michael, Marlis, Helga (my girlfriend), we also went to Jüssi again. It was also a nice tour again, but with friends it is something different. The two weeks in Sweden have left us with the impression that there is an intact and beautiful world near our home. I like Sweden very much, the landscape, the people and the culture.

  • In 1990 I went back to Sweden with Michael to pick up his sister Meike, who had spent a year in Gothenburg learning Swedish. She translates Swedish children's books into German. She picked them up. It was deep winter and very cold with lots of snow. Michael's diesel almost didn't make it (had to drag it along again and again and make sure that the diesel didn't freeze).
  • In 2006 I drove through Sweden on my way to Norway over the Öresund Bridge, Gothenburg (both directions). On a field I saw a wild moose for the first time, not far away from Gothenburg, from the motorway.
  • In 2014 I came back to Sweden with Klaudia to Malmö and Hörby to take a World of Agriculture picture. 3 days there been in June, was nice and good weather. Not much different than in Schleswig-Holstein. 
  • In 2021 I passed Sweden on the tour to Norway via Göteborg.