That's my life ...

Guru Geri in Thailand

In 1983 I was in Thailand for the first time with Barbara and Sabine. We wanted to get out of Germany and enjoy the world. At that time the country was practically not yet developed for tourism. We landed in Bangkok, through a slum in the city center to the youth hostel, first of all with a large part of our travel budget (800 DM) was robbed ("I can exchange quite well money for you on the black market!" trick). Then they had to live cheaply: Canteen food in the university, black bus drive. The water festival was my first culture shock. The whole day was sprayed with water, we didn't know why, didn't know the festival. Was annoyed by it. Later we heard that it was something like a New Year's custom, I was ashamed of my cultural ignorance. That the crowded streets had to be empty when the king went to eat fries, I found exciting. This power. Kicking a bank note with the king on it was punished with jail. The people were otherwise all very very friendly, although I also went on the cookie that they could not say no. With the foreign language and writing it was not easy to ask oneself through. Since we couldn't get any money with our Euro-Checks in Bangkok, we had to go to Singapore, where it was supposed to be (Deutsche Bank). By train to Malaysia. After the money exchange trip of 2 months then back in Thailand and first of all on an island Ko Samui, which was attainable at that time only with a fishing boat and had only 4 huts for guests (how it looks there today, mass tourism). On Phuket we were also some weeks: beach life, good food and hammock. Was not bad. Only the Globetrotter, who preached the revolution as world do-gooders, annoyed me, however, a woman for her hut indulged and the luggage of grandpas from the bus to the hut could be carried. Didn't fit for me. I have resolved to allow my own values from Germany to apply worldwide. I carry my luggage myself, act as a guest and did not prey on anyone. I also want to be respected as another culture that doesn't sit around on tropical islands with bast skirts.
Next time I was in Thailand in 2005, this time to Khon Kaen in the northeast, where I had an invitation from the DFG and the local university with Prof. Köpke and Klaudi. I was impressed by the good development of the country. Also the Tsunami after Christmas was no longer noticeable. We did an eco-workshop, then looked at some organic farms, had a good meal and a sight seeing. We were there for a total of two weeks. In the same year I was once again in Khon Kaen. Prof. Meta had invited me in November for a lecture at an international conference on Animals - Land - Integration. Were only veterinarians and animal producers, I was allowed to play the eco role, which was not bad. The excursion went to new farms with animal husbandry. In January 2006 I was in Thailand for the third time within 10 months, this time in Chiang Mai at the invitation of the fertilizer researchers, where I and Hans-Marten Paulsen were again allowed to represent the organic fraction. With Ewald Schnug I made a great excursion from the Golden Triangle (Mekong Country Triangle) back to Bangkok. Thailand is also fascinating inland.

  • Thailand Woff
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  • 2012 on the 144th trip abroad for 6 nights in Bangkok, on the march through to Bhutan and Myanmar. With Klaudia, and with Manfred Denich and Daniel Neuhoff the Ziet here spent. Was not particularly exciting, but since 1983 so much has happened in the country that it is not recognizable. Everything modern, cosmopolitan.
  • 2013 (December) at the IFOAM conference in Bangkok for 6 days. With excursion to organic farms.